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Sales Reps is it worth your time to get an MBA?

I went part-time and got my MBA from Boston University while working full time as a Sales Rep at EMC, here are my thoughts…


- It has NEVER been a job requirement - I’ve interviewed for many sales leadership roles, no one has ever asked “Do you have your MBA?”

- It is a BIG time commitment - Sales is a 24/7 job, balancing work and home life while going to school is tough, you have to be disciplined or you will have a set back

- The vast majority of your courses will have NOTHING to do directly with sales - If you want an “MBA in Sales” you’ve come to the wrong place


- I gained a completely new perspective for my clients. Understanding the needs, challenges, and goals of their businesses has made me a better salesperson

- I gained a deeper appreciation of my own companies' strategy. As a a leader, I am better able to articulate “the why” when rolling out new changes or direction.

- I gained a network of “A Players” - This is not undergrad, everyone wants to be there and is sacrificing their valuable time to make themselves better. These are the types of people you want to surround yourself with.

Hindsight 20/20 would I do it again? 100% yes, but it's not for everybody.

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