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Sales pipeline is like oxygen, without it you die

After nearly 20 years in sales, I’ve found one constant amongst the A players… they never stop building pipeline.

We all know the young hustler pounding the phones (hell, that was you at 23), but what doesn’t get celebrated is the Rep that has been in the game for 10+ yrs and is still grinding. That experience, combined with 20-something BD hustle is deadly.

Don’t let yourself become the “I am too good/old for prospecting” Rep. When was the last time you:

- Cold called a new contact at your top account

- Got busy on Social

- Met with a partner to get intel on that under-pen account that has been on “your list” for years

- Got out from behind email/phone and showed up at their office!

The top pipeline generators are the top reps, because they:

- Take the "garbage patch" and grind out 102%

- Take the “easy patch” from 110% to 250%+

- Are “stickier” in accounts because they sell across multiple LOB

- Are predictable forecasters, because when the deals fall out (it happens to the best), they’ve got the backfill to cover

You can survive by breathing through a straw, but why not build some Pipeline and strap on an oxygen tank?!

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